Tuesday 24 May 2011


A fictitious future event, believed in by many fundamentalist Christians.


At least they are now legitimately a Non-Prophet organization.

Oh cheer up Harold. We all make mistakes. It’s not the end of the world.

███████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 44% DONE.
Install delayed....please wait.
Installation failed. Please try again. 404 error: Rapture not found.
EVENT "Rapture" cannot be located. The rapture you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.


In perusing the above item, consider that the Day of Judgement was interpreted by Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel and Daniel as occurring over a period longer than one day.  Indeed, the consensus in Judaism at the time of Jeremiah [circa 640 BC to circa 560 BC] was that the Day of Judgement would last 52 years.  So when this Harold first stated that the Day of Judgement (not the Rapture) would take 153 days ending in October, he might have been right.  Not likely though, because a number of prophecies still need to be fulfilled to start the countdown: 
1]Prince William needs to be coronated and take the regnal name King Arthur II, at which time he gets baptized by the Evil Ghost and begins his ministry as the abomination of desolation;
2]In order for Great Babylon to be destroyed according to prophecy, the city must first be re-built; i.e., somebody needs to complete the Great Project begun by Saddam Hussein as his most important life-work.  (This was the reason he was shut down by the USA government.)
3]In order for the Temple in Jerusalem to be destroyed according to prophecy for the third and final time, it needs first to be rebuilt.  Jews must take possession of the Temple Mount and tear down the mosque currently located there.  The temple sacrifice must be resumed before the end of the world, according to prophecy.  That sacrifice requires the ritual slaughter of red heifers, an animal which became extinct about 1,800 years ago --  but through genetic manipulation it has recently been re-created, and there are now four breeding pairs in Israel.
4]...we could probably cite another dozen of unfulfilled prophecies which must precede the end-time countdown